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Hypnotherapy for Anger

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Learn more about Hypnotherapy for Anger

Understanding more about Hypnotherapy for Anger

Like all animals,we as human beings have evolved ways to help us protect ourselves from danger and external threats. When we feel under threat, our bodies react by releasing certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can be helpful. These hormones:

  • make us feel aware and alert, so at the point of danger, we can react more appropriately

  • make our hearts beat faster, quickly sending blood to where it's needed most.

After we feel the threat has passed and we feel safe again, our bodies release other hormones to help our muscles relax. This can sometimes cause us to shake. This is commonly called the 'fight, flight or freeze' response. This is a natural response and anger can be part of this system. However, it's not as simple as that because the stimulus, or the context, is rarely perceived the same way by different individuals. This defence can almost take on a life of its own, very often not defending the physical self but protecting our sense of self. I have found that negative childhood experiences often seen to be the catalyst for this reaction.

Causes of Anger

Why do I get Angry? Find out more about Hypnotherapy for 

We are Human Beings and mammals, so anger, to some degree, is part of our makeup. It often seems to be the way we see the world and ourselves within it, that may well be the biggest factor in experiencing Anger, our map of reality.  Some of these factors may involve.

  • How we relate to things around us? People, situations etc. 


  • How we relate to ourselves and the way we think we are.


  • How we see our relationships and our role in them.


  • How we relate to the future, what we may fear. 


  • How the past may have affected the way we see life. 

The wonderful thing about Hypnotherapy for Anger is that it can help people adapt thought patterns and even reshape how they react to situations. 

There is a strong link between Anger and earlier emotional challenges, particularly in childhood and the earlier years of adulthood when we are more easily influenced. That doesn't necessarily have to mean abuse or neglect; it can be subtle developmental factors that we are all exposed to that could prime us to react negatively.
is important to keep in mind that most people that experience anger as a problem know that they don't want to do this. Unfortunately just knowing this logically may not help in the moment. At this point the reaction may seem automatic and crucially in the moment it will seem almost certainly justifiable. After a period of reflection though, it can become apparent that we have fallen into a familiar pattern of aggression.

If you would like to learn more, read more about Hypnotherapy For Anger below or by clicking here

How can Hypnotherapy for Anger work for me?

Help for Anger with Hypnotherapy for Anger

Anger often seems like a battle; part of our unconscious creates this feeling. The reason may or may not be known at a conscious level. This struggle can be played out over and over again in our mind in specific locations or contexts, although at other times, it can be all-consuming and seem to fire up instantly.  

Anger, as a feeling, exists to defend us from a threat, perceived or real, but whatever it is, it is really just reflecting back to us our unconsciously held beliefs. The not wanting to experience the feeling of threat, physically, but especially socially often ionically gives rise to the feeling of anger. Seeing through the illusion of the protection pattern is the way out. I can't guarantee an outcome, but there is every chance of profound change. By employing Hypnotherapy and other therapeutic techniques, I aim to help my clients not just to live with the feeling but to release the grip of the experience of anger.

This is where Hypnotherapy for anger can really work wonders. By using Hypnotherapy and other therapies such as NLP, we can really help to reset the nervous system and get to a point where we are reacting in accordance with our environment and not our fears and triggers. The most common thing I hear about anger is the want to change and yet still being caught by the pattern; even if you don't want to, if you are experiencing anger as a habitual way of living life, then to some degree, you are unconsciously running this pattern. We can, by using Hypnotherapy, reinterpret the past, helping to process past trauma. By using Hypnotherapy for anger, we raise a sense of self-esteem, thereby not being so volatile in certain situations. We are not our behaviours; we can elevate our minds and change those reactive states. So, if you would like to have a different experience around anger, then please feel free to contact me. 

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