Hypnotherapy for Trauma
Can Hypnotherapy help
with Trauma?
Like all animals, human beings have evolved ways to help us protect ourselves from danger. When we feel under threat our bodies react by releasing certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can be helpful. These hormones:
make us feel more alert, so we can act faster
make our hearts beat faster, quickly sending blood to where it's needed most.
After we feel the threat has passed, our bodies release other hormones to help our muscles relax. This can sometimes cause us to shake.
This is commonly called the 'fight, flight or freeze' response – it's something that happens automatically in our bodies, and we have no control. The reaction that we encounter and witness ourselves is seldom a conscious choice but rather a response to the stimulus from our older survival part of the brain (the Reptilian complex). So we all tend to react differently to the events of trauma. Some people find that even if the experience was very unpleasant and traumatic, they may well recalibrate and have no long-lasting effects. Others, unfortunately, will suffer and find that they may well end up in a hyper-vigilant state, or indeed a freeze response of numbness. This can be seen as the brain's natural way of defending against external stimuli. This defence pattern does not have to be permanent, it is a learnt response that can be unlearnt. The very fact that we are constantly changing and our minds are so malleable gives us hope for change. ontrol.