Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus
Learn more about Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus
Understanding more about Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a sound heard in our ears that isn’t made by any external sound. Many people experience tinnitus at some point in their lives. Often, it takes the form of some sort of ringing in the ears, although many other sounds can also be heard. Fortunately, for most people, Tinnitus is temporary. However, around 4% suffer from tinnitus quite severely. It can have a detrimental effect on their ability to enjoy their lives.
Tinnitus is often first noticeable after you’ve been exposed to loud sounds. This could be at work, a music festival, or hearing a firework go off. Temporary tinnitus following loud noise usually lasts from a day or so, up to a week or more. Everyone is unique and experiences tinnitus differently. For some, it’s constant and persistent; for some, it comes and goes over time. The noise you hear is described in different ways. These include ringing ears, roaring, buzzing, hissing, whistling, or the noise which crickets make. You may also experience a loss of balance.
Causes of Tinnitus
Do I have to suffer? Find out more about Hypnotherapy
for Tinnitus
We hear noise around us all the time. The brain places these into order, whats important and whats not. If you’re watching TV your brain will filter out other sounds. You can easily ignore the noises in the background or someone speaking next to you in a restaurant. These aren’t essential sounds, so you don’t listen. But we can tell ourselves which sounds are important. You can respond much more strongly to something that means something to us. .
If you worry about your Tinnitus, often we can’t help but listen for it. Is it the same today? Is it quieter? If it’s louder, why? How long will might it last? The more you worry about it, the more important the noise seems and the more we stress about it. Then, the more you listen out for it. It’s a downward spiral. As part of our Tinnitus Hypnotherapy, you will also be taught hypnosis to reduce any stress, strengthen the unconscious, and begin to train the mind to no longer notice the sounds so much. Clients experience different results. Sometimes, the sound is dramatically reduced, and other times, it may be that we aren't emotionally hooked on the Tinnitus. There are two types of tinnitus. Objective Tinnitus. In these cases, the person and a consultant can hear the sound. These are caused by a physical condition such as more audible blood flow. Objective tinnitus is rare, but usually, the cause is identifiable and treated by a GP or specialist. Subjective tinnitus. In these cases the sound is audible only by the person, it is an internalised sound. These are the most common tinnitus and represent 95% of the cases. Their causes and their physiological symptoms are not identified and have no known physical cause.
How can Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus work for me?
Help for Tinnitus with Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus
Tinnitus often seems like a battle; part of our unconscious creates this feeling of the need not to have this sound. The reason may or may not be known at a conscious level. This struggle can be played out over and over again in our minds in specific locations or contexts, although at other times, it can be all-consuming and seem to fire up instantly. Tinnitus can be linked to Anxiety and Stress, which can exasperate the issue.
An interesting study found that people don’t experience tinnitus when they’re dreaming, going into sleep (hypnogogic state) or coming out of sleep (hypnopompic state). Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness whereby we drop into an Alpha brainwave state that can give us relief from the annoying noises. so by utilising Hypnotherapy, we aim to drop into this natural state to re-train our reactions to the sound and turn the sound down. It is not only by using the natural power of Hypnotherapy, but I also employ Oldpain2go, which hopes to communicate with the unconscious and aim to turn the signal off.
This is where Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus can work wonders for some people.. By using Hypnotherapy and other therapies such as NLP and OldPain2GO; we can really help to reset the nervous system and get to a point where we are reacting in accordance with our environment and not our triggers. Employing hypnosis for tinnitus can help alleviate suffering and re-train the mind not to amplify the signal of the sounds. so depending on the client, we can hope to dial down the signal and change our habituated habits towards the internalised sounds. We are not our behaviours; we can elevate our minds and change those reactive states. So, if you would like to have a different Tinnitus experience, please feel free to contact me.
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